Energy Analysis

MES Group has experience with the Guiding Principles for Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings. To this end, we typically design projects that are able to earn an equivalent LEED Silver Certification, and for existing buildings, our designs can meet the Green Building Initiative: Green Globes principles for Continual Improvement of Existing Buildings (CIEB).

We also design projects using the guidelines of The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA 2007), along with the more Executive Order 13514, requiring Federal government agencies to improve their environmental, energy and economic performance. MES Group supports these initiatives through our Energy Analysis Services.

Early in the programming phase, we work with the entire design team and facility personnel to define energy efficiency goals. We utilize the EPA’s ENERGYSTAR program in order to establish an energy use target. This establishes a clear understanding of how the building design will perform when constructed.

We have deep knowledge with the operation of integrated building systems, utilities and associated costs for capital improvement projects. We have demonstrated our expertise with Energy Analysis services for a wide variety of project types.

MES Group Energy Analysis Services include:

Energy Modeling

Utility Analysis

Value Engineering

Life Cycle Cost Analysis

LEED Certification

Thermal Energy Storage

Solar Energy

Day Lighting Applications

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